We always encourage people to call us to ask any questions but over the years we’ve also found that some people prefer to read through some key information before we speak. Below, we have summarised the most commonly asked questions. If you can’t find the answer you need, then please call us – we’ll have the answer it just might not be appropriate to include it on the website.

Is my enquiry confidential?

Absolutely. One thing that we guarantee is confidentiality and we know that this is extremely important to our clients. You remain in control of the work we undertake at all times. We know that picking up the phone to us or sending an email is a big step and can be daunting but we are here to support you every step of the way and that starts with total confidentiality.

Is it okay to call for advice only? I may not be ready to make a decision yet.

Of course it is. We completely understand that you may need to discuss and explore your options and seek reassurance before you make the final decision on the service’s you want us to provide. We know that being able to chat through options and details is helpful and we are here 24/7 to answer your queries

What is the process once the enquiry has started?

It very much depends on the individual case. In some circumstances meeting in person is appropriate and preferable. Where this isn't possible, we will work with you to agree the best lines of communication which might be email or phone or a combination of both. We will always define the boundaries of communication and the scope of work with our client – no work will commence until you are completely happy

What if I change my mind and want to stop an investigation part way through?

You are always in control and if you decide to stop an investigation that is your right and choice. Costs and expenses for the case will still need to be covered however.

Why do people hire a private investigator?

There can be many reasons people need the services of a professional private investigator. Most often it is because they need help to solve personal or professional problems and need the expertise of a qualified and experienced professional to get the answers they need in a discrete, safe and efficient way. It will also put clients with personal problems one step ahead in their situation so they have all of the facts they need to support them. In circumstances where there might be a court case, the work of a private investigator can help gather vital information for solicitors to use. The information that is gathered can help give peace of mind or may help you understand the next steps you need to take with regards to a particular situation or issue.

Who hires a private investigator?

The services of a private investigator are open to anyone that may need them and are not exclusive to one particular type of person. Members of the public, business owners, solicitors, HR professionals, landlords and councils all make use of private investigators for a variety of personal or corporate reasons.

How will I know how the investigations/case is progressing?

We will agree with you at the outset of the case how frequently we will update you and which communication channel is best to use to do this.

How long do investigations take?

Because each case is unique, timings can vary and are based on lots of factors. However, at the start of the process we will be able to give you some indicative timings that we would hope to work towards.

How are costs worked out especially as every job can be so different?

The costs are very much dependent upon the nature of the investigation being undertaken. There are many factors that have to be taken into consideration such as travel, equipment, tools and the number of agents that may be needed to work on the case and over what duration. At A1, we always provide detailed quotes which are broken down so they are clear and transparent for our clients to understand.

How do I pay?

We accept most payment methods; cash, cheque, bank transfer, credit cards. Once we are at the point of payment, we will talk you through your options.

Do I need to give you lots of personal information such as my home address?

Not always but we will need the relevant information to the specific enquiry as well as your basic information for contact purposes.

What happens once I receive the outcome of the investigation work?

The outcomes of an investigation may provide reassurance or conversely, may deliver uncomfortable outcomes. Either way, we can’t tell you what to do next, but we will do our best to offer advice and guidance based on our experience. Every case and circumstance is different and unique but we will provide you with all the unbiased facts and information you need at the end of the investigation to help you make an informed decision about what to do next.

How will the outcome of the investigation work be shared with me?

How results are given very much depends on the nature of the case. Results may be presented in a hard copy and/or digital format report or may be photographic or digital evidence. At the start of the case we will discuss and agree the best format in which to present the outcomes to you.

Can I request a male or female agent?

We do have both male and female agents and we can work with you to match our agents to your case as required.

Can I read reviews or leave a review about your services?

Due to the confidential nature of the work we undertake, we never expect clients to leave reviews. However, we may ask you to provide an anonymous testimonial and will work with you to ensure confidentiality is maintained and the right approval is given to use that on our website if you are comfortable to do so.

Can an investigation be traced back to me?

We operate completely in confidence at A1 Investigations so we will always be guided by you when it comes to channels and methods of communication. The only way anyone will find out is if you tell someone about the investigation or leave any materials in view of anyone. We will always work closely with you at the start of any investigation to guide you on what you can do to maintain confidentiality. From our side, we have the strictest possible confidentiality rules and processes in place.

What if you identify a conflict of interest?

If that ever happens, which is rare, then we will always disclose the conflict as soon as we become aware and advise you that we may no longer be able to work on your case if no appropriate resolution is possible.

Are there any impacts on investigations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Like any business we have had to adapt the way we deliver some of our work but we are still able to deliver our services and operate safely in line with guidelines.

Office G16, Scope House, Weston Road, Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 6DD
© 2023 A1 Investigations Bureau Ltd. All rights reserved.